During his participation in events rejecting the American and Israeli decision on settlements
The occupation is responsible for the martyrdom of Abu Diyak


During his participation in events rejecting the American and Israeli decision on settlements

The occupation is responsible for the martyrdom of Abu Diyak

shtayyeh: We went to the International Criminal Court against the American decision that legitimizes the settlements

The Prime Minister Dr. Mohammed Shtayyeh, Occupation is responsible for the death of Sami Abu Diak, who was suffering from a serious health situation due to the policy of medical negligence that the Israeli occupation authorities deliberately used against our prisoners.

He called on the Red Cross, human rights institutions and the international community to do their utmost to release the rest of our prisoners in Israeli jails, especially the sick, so as not to repeat the suffering and tragedy of the martyr prisoner Sami Abu Diak, and demanded the immediate release of his body to be buried among his family.

This came during his participation in the public stance rejecting the US-Israeli decision on settlement and the closure of the Directorate of Education in Jerusalem, today in the center of Ramallah.

The Prime Minister said: "This pause and the popular and official situation extending throughout the homeland, is an expression and rejection of all components of the occupation and all those who support it.

Ashtayyeh added: "14 of the 15 Security Council states said no to this resolution, and the United States stands alone in this illegal and illegal resolution against our land and our people. We have gone to the International Criminal Court against this resolution.

The Prime Minister continued: "Today we are the loudest, officials, clerics, popular institutions and civil society, all our people, we stand one position behind President Mahmoud Abbas, who rejects the deal of the century and all its components, which left nothing."

"Today we affirm our consistent national position that there can be no peace on this land unless the occupation is over," shtayyeh said.


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