Decisions taken by the Palestinian Cabinet during its session No. 224.


Decisions taken by the Palestinian Cabinet during its session No. 224.

  1. Formation of a ministerial committee “a crisis cell" to follow up on the repercussions of the occupation aggression on the southern governorates.
  2. Approval of providing guarantees to Palestine Investment Fund and the Consolidated Contractors Company oil and Gas (CCCOG) on the existed licenses and agreements regarding the Gaza Marin Gas Field.
  3. Formation of a committee to prepare a legislation regulates E-Cigarettes.
  4. Allocation of money to purchase electrical generators for hospitals and health centers
  5. Allocation of a lump sum of money to support the steadfastness of Hind Al Husseini Foundation (Dar Tifel al-Arabi) in Jerusalem.
  6. Allocation of money to support the Women Affairs Technical Committee (WATC).
  7. Allocation of funds to establish warehouses for the Military Supply and Equipment Authority in the governorates of Jericho and Salfit.
  8. Approval of purchasing two fire fighting vehicles for the interest of the Civil Defense Apparatus.
  9. Adding seven job transactions in favor of the Ministry of Local Government to appoint buildings` inspectors, at the 2023 table of government departments job formation.
  10. Referral of a number of civil servants on early retirement up on their request.
  11. Approval of extending the rental contract of the of the (ACTED)
  12. Ratification of the Cooperation Agreement in the Field of Education and Scientific Research between the Government of Republic of Tunisia and the Government of the State of Palestine.
  13. Approval of the licensing the West Jenin Facility to provide water and sanitation services.   
  14. Approval of the priorities of the Ministry of National Economy to improve the work environment.
  15. Initial approval of the main priorities to facilitate Palestine trade through the Al-Karama Crossing
  16. Approval of recommendations of the Ministerial Committee to Supervise the Project of Preparing the Spatial National Scheme, at its meeting No. (21), on 09/11/2023.
  17. Approval of extending the contract of an employee to work at the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
  18. Approval of a number of permits to individuals and companies to purchase and own real estates.
  19. Approval of establishing an internal committee in each government department to nominate the candidates for the financial promotions to the grade (c).
  20. Approval of the organizational structure, and the job description cards for the Palestinian National Institute of Public Health.
  21. Approval of the supervisory jobs description cards for the Ministry of Interior.
  22. Formation of a committee to study the possibility of benefiting from the U.S. visa waiver program.
  23. Approval of the regulation amending the disposal system of judicial files and documents of regular courts.