Decisions taken by the Palestinian Cabinet during its session No. 234.


Decisions taken by the Palestinian Cabinet during its session No. 234.

  1. Assigning the heads of government departments to prepare emergency plans for the year 2024.
  2. Adoption of criteria for lands` appraisal to purchase or own lands or real estates.
  3. Approval of a number of permits to individuals and companies to purchase and own real estates.
  4. Approval of the Green Revolving Fund project (JRF) for energy efficiency and renewable energy.
  5. Placement to H.E President of the State of Palestine to take the necessary actions to disseminate the "Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" in the official gazette.
  6. Ratification of the Visa Exemption Agreement for the Holders of Diplomatic and Official Passports between the government of the State of Palestine and the government of the Republic of Colombia (and the service is inforce).
  7. Ratification of the MOU of Technical Cooperation between the government of the State of Palestine and the government of the Republic of Colombia.
  8. Memorandum of Understanding to establish mechanisms for political consultations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Colombia.