Cabinet session No. (59) Monday 1 June 2020


Cabinet session No. (59) Monday 1 June 2020


Obligate banks operating in Palestine to receive and disburse the financial dues to the families of martyrs, wounded and liberated, under the burden of responsibility


Formation of a Ministerial Committee to determine the developmental needs of the Jordan Valley, so that the committee undertakes the preparation of a comprehensive development plan, and the implementation mechanisms of the proposed projects that to be executed in the area of the Jordan Valley according to the government’s clusters-based development strategy


Assign the government`s departments to ensure the update of editing and registration for the water and electricity invoices submitted by providers, and to monthly and regularly enter the data into the used accounting program “Bisan".


Allocate fund for the Ministry of Culture to support artists and to purchase the artworks as well as the art services produced by artists and individuals.


Approval of the signed agreement between the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), and the World Food Program (WFP) aiming to conduct the 2020 survey regarding the social, economic and food security general conditions “SEFSEC”.


Approval of a number of fund requests for nonprofit companies. 

Ratification of the amendments regarding the instructions of the net measurement and related fees.


Approval of the purchase price of the electrical energy extracted from the solar energy sources to be a maximum of (85%) from the price of the electrical energy produced from traditional energy sources).


Formation of a committee to evaluate the Palestinian performance during the Coronavirus pandemic, provided that the committee shall evaluate the government’s strategies and procedures from the legal, managerial, health and security aspects during the emergency period. It shall also define the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation mechanisms used by the competent parties especially regarding the government`s departments extent of commitment and preparation to confront any other expected waves of the pandemic.
